
Hello! I am Bonnie.


Hello! My name is Bonnie and I am known as Lucifera. Most people call me Lucifera. I live in Sweden.

I am a well known practitioner of the Occult.

Most probably you have already seen my websites, because I have several.

Three of my other websites cover China and Chinese speaking countries, Japan, Korea, Germany, Sweden, USA, Portugal and Brazil, Spain, Argentina and Italy, South Africa, France, Denmark and Finland.

I welcome you to visit Pitchblackcraft.


A blogger


I am a blogger and I also work professionally with my clients.

I have an Online School for new students of witchcraft. 


My Shop

Here is My Shop.


In My Shop you will be able to see all the educational content I offer to my students.

I also mentor my students and this means that I and the student are always in touch via e-mail.



I offer you my Occult blog in English:



Here is my Occult blog in German:


en_GBEnglish (UK)