The Goetia – basic theory for beginners


This is the version of Goetia I use. This book contains the seals of demons and it is good.

Introduction: The Goetia is based on the Kabbalah


The Goetia is based on the Kabbalah and it is a structured book. Beginners don’t know how to understand the Goetia and have a difficult time finding people who can teach them the magick of Goetia.

If you want to do Goetic magick, you might want to study the basics of Kabbalah.

If you do not know anything about Kabbalah, it might be a little bit difficult to grasp this course.

But, the information in this course covers both the White and Black Kabbalah, and you will benefit from this information. Let this information sink into your subconscious mind.

Do not force yourself to understand everything. Later, when you study other books about Kabbalah, you will recall some information from this course, and it will help you to understand Kabbalah.

The studies of Kabbalah are very long, but you can study slowly and in a relaxed way. Some say that Kabbalah is boring.

I think that the Kabbalah is neutral: not fun and not boring. After all it is a liberal science.

For the purpose of learning this magick, it is enough to know the legends of Kabbalah, the Hebrew alphabet, the Tree of Life, the Tree of Qliphoth and the rituals of the Golden Dawn.

Because the studies of the Kabbalah are very long, I cannot teach everything in this course.


Books for beginners


You will have to purchase several books and study the Kabbalah on your own.

Below is a list of some nice books for beginners. Disclaimer: the books are complex! But this is the only way to study Kabbalah and its magick.

The Tree of Life (author: Israel Regardie). Purchase this book first! I felt that this book was quite interesting to read. Well, maybe it is a matter of taste.

Modern Magick (author: Donald Michael Kraig). Purchase this book first too. Learn the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram by writing out the ritual steps on index cards. This book contains information about the altar and the altar tools.

The ritual tools are difficult to obtain, because they are very special. I don’t use the ritual tools of the Golden Dawn magickal tradition.

Instead I use ordinary Witch tools: a cauldron, a salt cup and a water cup, a ritual knife and a handmade altar pentacle.

The Mystical Qabalah (author: Dion Fortune). This book explains the theory of Kabbalah and it is very complex.

Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires (author: Aaron Leitch). This book is about the evocation of Angels, but it describes many old Grimoires like Goetia and Grimoirium Verum and others.

Three books of Occult philosophy (author: H. C. Agrippa). This book contains good descriptions of the planetary talismans. This book is a sort of reference book. It contains the pictures of planetary talismans.

The Golden Dawn (author: Israel Regardie). This book is very complex, but you will need it when you study the planetary talismans and other magick.

Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic magick (author: Thomas Karlsson). This book is about the Qliphotic Tree and it is very interesting.

This book is easy to digest if you already understand the the structure of the Tree of Life.

The Goetia

The Key of Solomon (optional)

It may take some 7 years to grasp the basics of Kabbalah and you will read a lot of books.

Some people think that High magick is very complicated. Yes, maybe they are right.

So lets begin with some cool stuff that will help you to understand the structure of Goetia.


A Beginner’s guide to Goetia magick


I am creating a sort of guide for you if you are planning to work magick with the demons of Goetia.

Some people are of the opinion that you should not summon the spirits of Goetia.

Those people say that terrible things may happen to you if you summon the spirits of Goetia without proper education in the area of the Occult.

These people had their bad experiences and warn others too. Most probably they are Christians.

I have read such warnings in some books. A part of those warnings is rubbish, but a part is true.

One should approach the Goetic sorcery with a little bit of caution, because some spirits may push you to act out your compulsive behaviours (after love spells for example).

The demons have their own agenda, a stubborn will of their own, and your commands will be executed, but perhaps in way you do not expect or do not want.

Magick with demons on animals is very dangerous, because the demons can possess animals, push certain buttons in animals, and force them to act in dangerous ways towards humans.

The result of your spell may be a shock to you (if you are very unlucky). And demons don’t care if you become angry at them.

It is safer to begin magick with safe demons. In no way do I claim to be an expert in Goetic magick, but I have some experience.

The video below, will shed some light on the Goetia and how to understand it.




In the end of Goetia, there is a special page with a list of spirits. You will find the astrological symbols of planets beside each group of spirits.

The astrological symbol is the key, because it helps us to know the home of the spirit on the Tree of Life (and on the Tree of Qliphoth).

Do you need to study the Kabbalah in order to do magick with the demons of Goetia? Yes, absolutely!


This is the Tree of Life.
This is the Tree of Life with its 10 Sephiroth. Malkuth is Earth (materia). All other spheres are spaces of consciousness and also containers of forces ruled by planets.


Each demon has its home assigned to spheres: starting from Binah (sphere 3) and ending with Yesod (sphere 9).

If you are totally new to the Kabbalah and don’t understand the Tree of Life, I can explain the theory very briefly.

But actually, the theory is extensive and cannot be studied in a short online course.


The Big Bang


So, you know about the Big Bang? Yes, sure. When the Big Bang occurred, the energy from that explosion was enormous.

It gave birth to the first Sephira on the Tree of Life, Kether. Actually, Kether is called for Premium Mobile, or the First Mover, because it is not a manifested state of being yet. It is just the first idea of being.

There is no Sephira before Kether, because Kether is before force and form.

It is possible then that the Big Bang occurred after Kether was established by some unknown Creator of the Universe.

The Tree of Life is in fact a map or a graphic illustration of the processes of the Universe and it shows step by step how Earth and other planets formed after the Big Bang.

This is one way of understanding the Tree of Life, but there is another way too.

There are 4 divisions of the Tree of Life into horizontal sections. These 4 sections are called for spiritual worlds.

There are also 3 vertical pillars that hold the 10 Sephiroth. One pillar is the pillar of Mercy, the other is the pillar of Severity, the third is the middle pillar.

Each Sephira is further divided into 4 Elemental worlds. Each of these 4 Elemental worlds house spirits of Air, Fire, Water and Earth.

Let us stop here, because the theory of Kabbalah is very complex and you will quit this course at once if I start explaining the theory now.

So, back to our simple theory of Big Bang. Soon after the explosion, the flaming mass of matter started to contract and the hot matter started to cool.

Out of Kether, a second Sephira was formed. This second Sephira is called Chokmah and it is a force.

All Sephiroth on the Tree of Life are containers of forces. It is said that Chokmah corresponds to the zodiac. I mean that Chokmah is under the influence of the zodiac.

Magick is not done with the entities of Chokmah. Magick is done with the entities of other Sephiroth starting from number 3 and ending with number 9.


Magick is done with the entities of other Sephiroth starting from number 3 and ending with number 9.


Chokmah reflected itself and divided into the next Sephira. The next Sephira after Chokmah is called Binah. Binah has the number 3 assigned to it.

So, these three Sephiroth: Kether, Chokmah and Binah construct a triangle. This triangle is called for the Supernal triangle in the teachings of Kabbalah.

You certainly heard that Lucifer was liked by God, but he had one problem: he was too proud.

In the beginning, Lucifer, other Archangels and God himself lived in the Supernal triangle on the Tree of Life.

You will understand what happened to Lucifer and how he ended up in Hell as you read on.

The third Sephira is Binah and it  is ruled by the planet Saturn.

After a while the force from Binah expanded and formed the fourth Sephira, Chesed.

Chesed has the number 4 and Chesed is ruled by the planet Jupiter.

Note that as the original force from Kether started to expand to create the Sephiroth, the cosmic matter became more cool and more dense.

Planets started to rotate around the Sun and they became more dense and round in their shape.

The force of Chesed expanded and formed Sephira Geburah. Geburah is ruled by planet Mars and has the number 5 assigned to it.

As the planets started to cool, they became even more round due to their fast rotation.

You can say that the Tree of Life shows how our solar system formed after the Big Bang.

The forces of Tiphareth are ruled by the Sun (the central sphere) and Tiphareth has the number 6 assigned to it.

You can see clearly that the Sun is in the middle of our solar system.

The forces of Geburah expanded and formed the forces of Netzach. Netzach is ruled by the planet Venus and has the number 7 assigned to it.

The forces of Netzach expanded and formed the forces of Hod. Hod is ruled by the planet Mercury and the number 8 is assigned to Hod.

After a while, the forces of Hod expanded and formed the forces of Yesod. Yesod is ruled by our Moon and Yesod is assigned the number 9.

At last the matter of the Universe became very dense and our Earth started to cool down. It started to rain and oceans were created.

The forces of Yesod expanded and finally formed the forces of Malkuth.

Malkuth is Earth and it is the last sphere on the Tree of Life. Malkuth is numbered as sphere number 10.

There is another Tree. That tree is the Tree of Qliphoth and it contains other spheres. Those spheres are called for Qliphoth.


The entry to Hell


The entry to hell is at the base of the Qliphotic Tree and this place is called Qlipha Nahema.


This is the Qliphotic Tree with its Qliphoth (shells of the Sephiroth).


So, how did Lucifer and his demons end up in hell? This is an old story.

There is a hidden Sephira on the Tree of Life. That Sephira is called Daath.

Daath is right under Kether and above Tiphareth, but it is not numbered with any number.


Daath is between Kether and Tiphareth. Daath is the abyss.


There is a legend about a war in heaven. When God created the first couple of humans, Lucifer rebelled, because he was too proud to serve humans.

The demons rebelled too and God became angry. All the disobedient spirits, including Lucifer and his demons, were cast down through Daath into hell.

Now you know how the demons ended up in hell. But what are the Sephiroth and the Qliphoth actually?

Both the Sephiroth and the Qliphoth are areas of the astral world and also of our subconscious minds.

The Sephiroth are areas with purer energy and the Qliphoth are areas with a bit denser (raw) energy.

The Qliphoth can be said to be the outer shells of the Sephiroth, but they are drawn on two different Trees:

# the tree of Sephiroth and

# the tree of Qliphoth

We have not yet started to talk about the theory of Kabbalah, because that theory is so extensive and you might simply get scared due to the volume of things to learn.

One studies the Kabbalah during the whole life and during the next life too, because there are several trees, in different worlds and on several levels. There are millions of spirits.

For now we try to digest the Goetia, its demons and how they are connected to the Qliphoth.



The structure of Goetia




When you open the Goetia, it may seem that the spirits are not grouped, but they are.

The Knights of Goetia


Binah corresponds to Qlipha Satariel. Both places are ruled by the planet Saturn and the demon of Satariel is: Furcas


Binah is sphere number 3. The shell of Binah is called Satariel. Archdemon Lucifuge Rofocale rules Satariel.


The Princes & Prelates of Goetia


Chesed corresponds to Gamchicoth. Both places are ruled by Jupiter and the demons of Gamchicoth are: Vassago, Sitri, Ipos, Gaap, Stolas, Orobas and Seere.


The Earls & Counts of Goetia


Geburah corresponds to Golab. Both places are ruled by the planet Mars and the demons of Golab are: Botis, Marax, Glasya Labolas, Ronove, Furfur, Halphas, Raum, Vine, Bifrons and Andromalius.


The Kings of Goetia


Tiphareth corresponds to Tagaririm. The Kings of Goetia are assigned to Tagaririm. Both places are ruled by the Sun and the demons of Tagaririm are: Bael, Paimon, Beleth, Purson, Asmoday, Vine, Balam, Zagan and Belial.

Please note that some demons like Vine are assigned both to Golab and Tagaririm. This means that you can summon Vine both during Sundays and Tuesdays.




The Dukes of Goetia


Netzach corresponds to Harab Serapel. Both places are ruled by Venus and the demons of Harab Serapel are: Agares, Valefor, Barbatos, Gusion, Eligos, Zepar, Bathin, Sallos, Aim, Bune, Berith, Astaroth, Focalor, Vepar, Vual, Crocell, Alloces, Murmur, Gremory, Vapula, Haures, Amdusias and Dantalion.


The Presidents of Goetia


Hod corresponds to Qlipha Samael. Both places are ruled by Mercury. The demons of Samael are: Marbas, Buer, Botis, Marax, Glasya Labolas, Foras, Gaap, Malphas, Haagenti, Caim, Ose, Amy, Zagan and Volac.


The Marquises of Goetia


Yesod corresponds to Gamaliel. Both places are ruled by the Moon. The demons of Gamaliel are: Samigina, Amon, Leraje, Naberius, Ronove, Forneus, Marchosias, Phenex, Sabnock, Shax, Orias, Andras, Andrealphus, Cimeies and Decarabia.



The best spirits for a beginner


There are some very good spirits in the Goetia. They are suitable as allies for beginners.

There is no reason to fear Lucifer and his demons. All these beings are very friendly.

But they become less friendly when we act out our anger and attack innocent people with our magick. These beings become dangerous then.

Of course, there are some demons in the Goetia that are not suitable for beginners. Two of them are Belial and Focalor.

Focalor and Belial from Goetia and Lucifer from Grimoirium Verum can be a bit unpredictable: they may surprise you.

You think that you are smart and instruct the demons: “Do like this, do in this way!”

And the demons say: “No, we plan to do in this way!” And then you get a: “Pang, pang, big surprise!”

So, lets watch a second video that will show you which spirits are a good choice for a beginner.




Samigina is one of the best spirit who teaches Kabbalah and magick very fast. He is safe!

If you instruct a particular demon to give you guidance during sleep, you may obtain answers to your questions through dreaming.

You can also ask a spirit to give you a sign that will help you to make a decision. The sign usually comes within a couple of months.


Seeing demons with horns and tails


Some young students of magick have very high expectations. They assume that they will hear and see the demons during the ritual. This does not happen, because after all, those young students are mentally sane.

Do not expect that you will hear and see the demons like in a movie.

Sometimes you might hear and see demons, but then do not doubt your mental health.

The demons and also the spirits of the dead speak and give information.

You may hear the voices of spirits and it feels like you are listening to speech in head phones. The voices are very loud.

I do not believe in tricksters and I never encountered any tricksters. I do not think that our own chattering mind with its suggestions should be taken seriously.

You will know when a demon or a spirit of the dead is speaking to you, because the information will be very accurate, and the spirit will bring facts and evidence of shocking truth as a sign of genuine spirit contact.

Sometimes, the spirits speak very loudly and even scream. An example is demon Sustugriel.

Sustugriel even used my own voice while he spoke to me and then the spirit started to scream in anger. The loud screaming was accompanied with an echo.

Sustugriel came to give me advice regarding a difficult situation and he was expressing his anger at a particular group of people involved in the conflict.

The experiences with spirits can be quite shocking and you will remember such encounters for the rest of your life.

After such experiences it is clever to keep silent. Do not tell strangers at your job that you saw a demon with horns and a tail in your bedroom and that you two had a conversation.

Tips: you can burn wormwood or mugwort in your ritual room. These herbs make us more receptive to spirit contact.

Usually after burning wormwood the spirits of the dead appear to me and give me information or just come to say hello.


The Tree of Life, Sephiroth and the paths


The Goetic demons populate the Tree of Life (or correctly said the Tree of Qliphoth), and therefore it is important to know the theory of the Hermetic Qabalah:

the Sephiroth numbered from 1 to 10 and the paths that connect them (from 11 to 32). This is basic knowledge that is a MUST to study, but study in a relaxed way, because there is no hurry.

There are other paths on the Qliphotic Tree and each path is a sort of tunnel with spirit life forms living in the tunnels.

The paths are mostly used for working with the Tarot and for meditations, but the Sephiroth are the houses of planetary intelligences, spirits, archetypes, archangels, angels and maybe also Goetic demons, etc.

One does not know for sure if the demons of Goetia are very very infernal in nature.



A Group of demons in the Goetia: the Kings



This is the classification list of spirits in the end of Goetia.
This is the classification list of spirits in the end of Goetia.

The picture above is a photo of a page from Goetia. For example, a group of demons is assigned the astrological sign of Sun: Bael, Paimon, Beleth, Purson, Asmoday, Vine, Balam, Zagan and Belial.


This is the seal of Bael. His seal is made of gold or yellow paper.


The sign of the Sun means that these demons belong to Qlipha Tagaririm (on the Qliphotic Tree) that is matched to Tiphareth on the Tree of Life.

Tiphareth is the Sephira ruled by the Sun and has the number 6 assigned to it.

Each Sephira on the Tree of Life has a set of so called correspondences. What are correspondences?

They are a set of matching colours, items, scents, plants that are most suitable to use in spells.

These correspondences were obtained via observation of how good or how bad the magick worked.

So, the correspondences of Tiphareth/ Tagaririm are the following:

Colour: gold/yellow (draw the seals of solar spirits on yellow paper and use yellow or golden candles)

Number: 6 (for items in spells: for example 6 coins)


The spirit Purson from Goetia is also ranked as a King.


Plant: Sunflower (use seeds in spells)

Day for summoning: Sunday

Fine-tuning: astrological hour of Sun

By the way, Bael and Purson are safe spirits too. Bael is especially of great help if you are in a bad work environment and need to become less visible to certain people.

Bael will make you invisible to the eyes of troublemakers. You will see the troublemakers at your work, but the troublemakers will not see you even if they pass by.

Purson can help you with your Tarot divinations, but he can also help you to manage your finances wisely. Purson can open up a source of income for you too.

So, if you want to summon the Kings of Goetia, you should do it during Sundays and during the astrological hour of Sun.

How do you calculate the astrological hour of Sun? Simple! Use the website below, insert your location and date, and it is done.

Planetary hour calculator

Draw your seals on yellow paper and use a yellow candle for your spell. If you cannot obtain a yellow candle, use a white candle.


This is the Tree of Life.
The Kings of Goetia come from the area of Tiphareth (Thagirion).


During these days the metal seals cost a lot, but I make my seals using coloured paper according to Qabalistic correspondences.

Later when my wish is granted, I destroy the seal by cutting it apart or burning it to ashes.



 The Goetia demons of Jupiter


The spirits of Jupiter are Vassago, Sitri, Ipos, Gäap, Stolas, Orobas and Seere. They dwell in the area of Qlipha Gamchicoth that can be matched to the Sephira of Chesed.


This is the seal of Ipos from Goetia.


Demon Ipos can make you very brave. Ipos can help animals too, but be cautious and know what you are doing, because animals can become unpredictable.

Chesed (Gamchicoth) is blue and is assigned the number 4. You may want to create a blue seal, use 4 items in your spell (4 blue or 4 white candles for example) and also the herb/plant of Chesed that is olive.

Also, the most auspicious time to summon the spirits of Chesed is a Thursday during the hour of Jupiter.



Qlipha Gamchicoth on the Qliphotic Tree corresponds to Sephira Chesed on the Tree of Life. Gamchicoth is ruled by Astaroth. This chart is based on the information found in Clavicula Salomonis.
Qlipha Gamchicoth on the Qliphotic Tree corresponds to Sephira Chesed on the Tree of Life. Gamchicoth is ruled by Astaroth. This chart is based on the information found in Clavicula Salomonis.



This is the seal of spirit Vassago from Goetia.


Vassago too is the spirit of Gamchicoth (Gamchicoth is ruled by Jupiter).

Vassago can help you to discover secret things and reveal the plots of your enemies to you.

Vassago is summoned during Thursdays and he a safe spirit.

These were some examples of the solar spirits and the spirits of Jupiter from Goetia.

The understanding of Kabbalah and Goetia comes gradually. Be patient.



 When to summon the Demons?


The Kings of Goetia are summoned during Sundays and the correspondences of Tiphareth/ Tagaririm are used in spells with these demons.

You will find the correspondences of each Sephira/ Qlipha further down in the course.

The Dukes of Goetia are summoned during Fridays and the correspondences of Netzach/Harab Serapel are used in spells with these demons.

The Princes and Prelates of Goetia are summoned during Thursdays and the correspondences of Chesed/Gamchicoth are used in spells with these demons.

The Marquises of Goetia are summoned during Mondays and the correspondences of Yesod/Gamaliel are used in spells with these demons.

The Presidents of Goetia are summoned during Wednesdays and the correspondences of Hod/Samael are used in spells with these demons.

The Earls and Counts of Goetia are summoned during Tuesdays and the correspondences of Geburah/Golab are used during spells with these demons.

The Knights of Goetia are summoned during Saturdays and the correspondences of Binah/Satariel are used during spells with these demons. There is only one such demon in Goetia: Furcas.


Goetia ritual circle


Do you have to construct the ritual circle that is described in the Goetia? No. I do not use that kind of circle.

During the years, I have developed my own ritual structure and my own substitutes for the Golden Dawn ritual tools.

Everybody does so, because the Golden Dawn traditional tools are hard to manufacture if we don’t have the needed skills.

I have also restructured the Golden Dawn rituals to suit my style of magick. Nothing wrong with this.

But I have a hexagram (David’s star) and a pentacle hanging above my altar, and you should also create these stars and use them in your magick. Why?

The demons seem to obey these symbols. I even draw the hexagram on the seals of demons.


The correspondences of Tiphareth/ Tagaririm


Here is a useful PDF for your studies: Goetia_basic guide for beginners_correspondences_PDF

The correspondences of Tiphareth/ Tagaririm for magick with the Kings of Goetia are such:

Ruling planet: Sun

Day: Sunday

Astrological hour: Sun

Paper seal colour: yellow

Metal seal: gold

Candle colour: yellow (gold)

Number: 6 (6 spell items for example)

Plant: Sunflower (use seeds)

Gem: Topaz

All this means that if you want to summon a King of Goetia, you can use a yellow candle, a yellow seal of the demon and 6 coins (if you are doing a money spell with Purson for example).

If you are doing a spell to fuel a new business, you can use sunflower seeds in your spell.

You can also use tumbled topaz gem and golden items in your spell with Purson.

Do the spell with Purson during a Sunday and during the astrological hour of Sun.

Of course, if you desire to increase your income, the moon should be waxing or full.


The correspondences of Netzach/Harab Serapel


The correspondences of Netzach/ Harab Serapel for magick with the Dukes of Goetia are such:

Ruling planet: Venus

Day: Friday

Astrological hour: Venus

Paper seal colour: green

Metal seal: copper

Number: 7

Herb: cinnamon (my own choice)

Scent: sandalwood

Plant: rose

Gem: emerald ( I use green agates and malachite)

All this means that if you want to summon a Duke, you must follow the correspondences of Harab Serapel.

Use a copper seal of the Duke in question or you can draw the seal of the Duke on green paper.

Because both Harab Serapel and Netzach are ruled by the planet Venus, you can use the following scents, plants and herbs: rose, sandalwood and cinnamon.

Do the spell with the Duke during a Friday and also during the astrological hour of Venus.

If you are doing a banishing spell with Focalor (he is a Duke), do the spell during the full moon or when the moon is waning.

You can summon Focalor during a Friday and during the astrological hour of Venus.

You can also do the spell during the astrological hour of Saturn or Mars.


The correspondences of Chesed/Gamchicoth


The correspondences of Chesed/Gamchicoth for magick with the Princes and Prelates of Goetia are such:

Ruling planet: Jupiter

Day: Thursday

Astrological hour: Jupiter

Paper seal colour: blue

Metal: tin

Gems: sapphire & amethyst

Number: 4 (4 candles for example)

Plant: olive (use olive oil)

Scent: cedar (I use cinnamon)

If you are doing a spell with Ipos (he is a Prince), you can use a blue seal and 4 white candles, because the number of Chesed is 4.

You can paint your spell candles with olive oil. Do the spells with Ipos to become brave during the waxing moon and also during the full moon.

To banish fears, do your spells when the moon is full, waning or almost dark.

Do spells with Ipos during Thursdays and during the astrological hour of Jupiter.


The correspondences of Yesod/Gamaliel


The correspondences of Yesod/Gamaliel for magick with the Marquises of Goetia are such:

Ruling planet: Moon

Day: Monday

Astrological hour: Moon

Paper seal colour: purple

Candle colour: silver or purple

Metal: silver

Number: 9 (9 gems for example)

Gem: clear quartz

Scent: jasmine

If you want to summon Samigina (he is a Marquis), use a silver or purple seal of Samigina.

Use jasmine oil on the seal of Samigina and add 9 clear quartz gems to your spell.

You can use silver items in your spells with the Marquises of Goetia. The Marquises are summoned during Mondays and during the astrological hour of the Moon.


The correspondences of Hod/Samael


The correspondences of Hod/Samael for magick with the Presidents of Goetia are such:

Ruling planet: Mercury

Day: Wednesday

Astrological hour: Mercury

Paper seal colour: orange

Plant: Orchid

Gem: quartz

If you want to summon the Presidents of Goetia, you can use orange paper for your seals.

Offer oranges and pumpkins to the Presidents of Goetia. Use quartz gems in your spells.

The Presidents are summoned during Wednesdays and during the astrological hour of Mercury.


The correspondences of Geburah/Golab


The correspondences of Geburah/Golab for magick with the Earls and Counts of Goetia are such:

Ruling planet: Mars

Day: Tuesday

Astrological hour: Mars

Altar cloth colour: red

Candles: red, black or white (use white candles if you cannot obtain red or black candles)

Number in magick: 5 (5 candles for example)

Metal: iron (use a hammer or steel coins, because steel contains iron)

Herb/plant: tobacco

Gem: ruby

If you want to summon the Earls of Goetia, use a red altar cloth and red candles.

Draw the seals of the Earls on red paper. Summon the Earls during Tuesdays and during the astrological hour of Mars.


The correspondences of Binah/Satariel


The correspondences of Binah/Satariel for magick with the Knights of Goetia are such:

Ruling planet: Saturn

Day: Saturday

Astrological hour: Saturn

Altar cloth colour: grey and/or black

Candles: grey or black

Number in magick: 3 (3 candles for example)

Metal: lead

Herb/plant: cypress

Gem: pearl or sapphire

If you want to summon Furcas (he is the only Knight of Goetia), use a grey altar cloth and 3 grey or 3 black candles.

I use pearls in my spells with the spirits of Binah, but its actually a matter of taste.

Because Binah is all about death and restriction, I use graveyard dirt too.

Summon Furcas during a Saturday and during the astrological hour of Saturn.


How many demons can you summon?


If you are a beginner, I suggest that you call upon only one demon during your ritual.

It happens that I summon 5 or 7 demons during one and the same ritual, because each demon has a unique ability.

The effect of such rituals is very strong and I become very busy and stressed out to the brim. But I manifest results quickly too.

If you plan to call upon two demons during one and the same ritual, the demons of your choice must be compatible with each other.

How do you know if demons are compatible? Through experience only.

Here are some demons that work well together:

Dantalion and Sallos

Bune and Murmur

Andromalius and Belial

Andromalius and Focalor

Belial and Surgat (Surgat is mentioned in the Grimoirium Verum)

Belial and Bucon (Bucon is mentioned in the Grimoirium Verum)

Barbatos and Dantalion

Marbas and Heramael (Heramael is mentioned in the Grimoirium Verum)

Asmoday and Amaymon (Amaymon is described in the Sworn Book of Honorius)


A brief description of some Goetia demons




Demon Bael is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Bael is a safe spirit to summon even if you are beginner. Bael can help you to go invisible if you are in a toxic work environment or some other toxic social situation.

Summon Bael during a Sunday and during the astrological hour of the Sun for invisibility spells.




Demon Samigina is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.
Demon Samigina is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Samigina is a necromancy demon, but he is very friendly and talented. Samigina is a safe spirit for beginners.

This demon can teach you the Kabbalah and magick very fast. Summon Samigina during Mondays and preferably during the astrological hour of the Moon.




Demon Marbas is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Marbas is a very skilled doctor. He heals humans and animals. Marbas can heal wounds, burns, minor injuries and even depressions.

Please always consult a doctor in the first hand and then do magick with Marbas to heal faster.

Summon Marbas during Wednesdays and during the astrological hour of Mercury. Offer Marbas oranges and nuts or any other food you have in your home.





Demon Barbatos is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.
Demon Barbatos is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Barbatos is a very helpful demon if you have ill pets. Animals cannot speak about how they feel and Barbatos will teach you to understand what your pet is trying to tell you.

Barbatos teaches the language of animals very fast and you will understand that animals cry too. They cry without tears but their sorrow is deep.

Summon Barbatos during Fridays and during the astrological hour of Venus.

Burn powdered cinnamon on charcoal or sandalwood. You can offer a rose to Barbatos as a gift.




Demon Buer is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Buer heals addictions, deep seated fears and depressions. Buer is a pet friendly demon.

I have done magick with Buer when I was healing a depression in my pet.

Buer is a President and you can summon him during Wednesdays and during the astrological hour of Mercury.

Offer Buer oranges and nuts, and any other food you have in your home.




Demon Sitri is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Sitri is a very helpful demon when it comes to enhancing your love life and infusing it with passionate love.

Sitri is easy and understanding. He knows exactly what you need from him.

Summon Sitri during a Thursday and during the astrological hour of Jupiter.




Demon Sallos is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Sallos is a very good demon and he can help you to attract new love into your life.

Sallos can also help to warm up a cooling love relationship too.

Sallos loves the company of Dantalion and these two demons work well as a team.

You can summon both demons during one and the same ritual. Summon Sallos during a Friday and during the astrological hour of Venus.

Summon Dantalion also during a Friday and during the astrological hour of Venus.




Demon Purson is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Purson can help you with your Tarot divinations. He can make you really good at reading the Tarot cards.

Purson can also open a source of income for you. If you have just started your new business, Purson can show you how to market your services to enable your clients to find you.

Summon Purson during a Sunday and during the astrological hour of Sun.




Demon Ipos is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Ipos can make your very brave. Ipos is a suitable demon even for pets. But be aware that animals can become unpredictable (for example birds and horses).

You will see that an animal is becoming brave and dares to expand its limits of curiosity, but then goes back to the known safety zone.

You have to be very patient with animals when you train them. Summon Ipos during Thursdays and during the astrological hour of Jupiter.




Demon Bune is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Bune is a very helpful demon and he can help you to increase your income. Bune is beginner friendly and trustworthy too, although he is a necromancy demon.

You can do money spells with Bune. This demon can help you to summon the dead and he also teaches necromantic magick.

Summon Bune during a Friday and during the astrological hour of Venus. There is no need to summon the angel Haaiah to constrict Bune.




Demon Astaroth is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Astaroth teaches how to do magick with the planetary talismans and he helps to read the Tarot cards.

Astaroth can teach you magick and other secret things. Summon Astaroth during a Friday and during the astrological hour of Venus.

You can summon Astaroth together with Bune if you seek a source of passive income, because Astaroth can help you with creative ideas.




Demon Asmoday is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Asmoday teaches code and Photoshop. He also shows how to build websites and web shops.

Asmoday must be summoned together with Amaymon during a Sunday and during the astrological hour of Sun.

You can find the seal of Amaymon in the “Sworn book of Honorius”. Treat these two demons with respect and love and they will help you a lot.




Demon Furfur is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Furfur brings about rainy weather. I have done rain spells with Furfur and Bechaud from Grimoirium Verum.

These two demons come from the Qlipha of Golab and they can be summoned together during one and the same ritual.

Use the correspondences of Mars in your spells with Furfur and Bechaud.

Summon these demons during a Tuesday and during the astrological hour of Mars.




Demon Malphas is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Malphas is a very good demon if you strongly suspect that you are being influenced by magick.

Malphas will show you who is doing magick on you and what ingredients they used in their spell on you.

Do give Malphas his partial payment in the form of offerings, but tell him that he will get his residual payment after he does the job for you.

If you give Malphas his payments all at once, he may deceive you and not do what you want him to do.

Summon Malphas during a Wednesday and during the astrological hour of Mercury.




Demon Raum is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Raum can help you to redirect the course of your business to bring in maximum profits.

Time is equal to money and Raum can show you that a certain business activity will waste your time.

Raum helps you to focus on those aspects of your business or work that have the maximum potential for financial growth.

Summon Raum during Tuesdays and during the astrological hour of Mars.




Demon Focalor is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Focalor is a demon of protection from criminals and thieves. But be careful with Focalor and only do binding spells.

Do not wish physical harm to people, because spells with Focalor have a tendency to backfire.

I did a binding spell and a money spell on my enemy to get rid of the person. The spell backfired for some strange reason, and caused my income to grow exponentially.

But that time was a nightmare for me, due to the stress. Focalor helped me to get rid of that person.

Summon Focalor during a Friday and during the astrological hour of Venus. Focalor works well in a team together with Andromalius.




Demon Sabnock is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Sabnock protects humans and animals from curses. If you are cursed, you might want to do reversal spells with Sabnock.

After this you can set up high protection by doing regular spells with Sabnock. You can do general protection spells with Sabnock to keep your protection high and well established.

Summon Sabnock during Mondays and during the astrological hour of the Moon.




Demon Haagenti is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Haagenti teaches makeup on an advanced level and helps to find wigs and hair extensions.

Summon Haagenti during Wednesdays and during the astrological hour of Mercury.

Haagenti knows all about film making and he will help you to adjust the light for the film scene and he will show you the right camera position while you make videos.




Demon Murmur is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Murmur teaches necromantic magick and helps you to find the right contacts at the cemetery.

Summon Murmur during a Friday and during the astrological hour of Venus.

Murmur can be summoned together with Bune during one and the same ritual.




Demon Belial is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Belial can protect you from bullies at your job. This spirit can also fix a bank loan for you if the bank has refused you a loan.

Belial and Andromalius can retrieve debt and alimony for you. These two demons can be summoned together during one and the same ritual during a Sunday or during a Tuesday.

The astrological hours are only two, and you can choose between them: Sun or Mars.




Demon Dantalion is described in the Goetia and this is his seal.


Dantalion can heal depressions both in humans and in pets. This demon can help in matters of love too.

You can summon Dantalion and Sallos together during a Friday and during the astrological hour of Venus.

Dantalion can force somebody, who is very arrogant and stubborn, to apologise to you for hurting you.

Summon Dantalion during a Friday and during the astrological hour of Venus.


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