Archangels are the bosses of angels, and they populate the Tree of Life.
The Tree of Life is a map of the astral world that is connected to our subconscious mind.
I have already published one of my previous courses:
The magickal tools – quick consecration ceremony for beginners.
That course teaches you how to form a ritual circle for magick with the demons of Goetia and Grimorium Verum.
But what if you want to do some magick with archangels and also with the spirits from the Arbatel?
The answer is simple: you will need another ritual structure. If you are a beginner, I advise you to do magick with archangels only.
Do not summon the spirits of the Arbatel until you become very familiar with the ritual work.
Let us take a look at the Tree of Life and discover the archangels. After this I will hand you a ritual structure for doing magick with archangels.
The rituals of High magick are done with archangels. One of these rituals is called the Lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram.
You can look at the seals of archangels and summon them when you do the Lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram.
I am not afraid of demons at all. I have changed my Lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram, because I think it is silly to ask the archangels to protect me from demons.
Demons have helped me so much in life. Most of the time I call upon demons when I do my Lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram.
But when I do a spell with archangels, I do my Lesser banishing ritual with archangels.
The Tree of Life
I know that beginners have a hard time understanding the map of the Tree of Life.
I can give you a short cut. You know already that the Universe is composed of physical materia, that is, of atoms.
All materia has a non physical counterpart. The worlds, that are made of the non-physical stuff are called for parallel universes.
So, the Tree of Life is a map of our Solar system. The Sun is in the middle and all the coloured balls are planets.
At the same time, the Tree of Life is a map of the parallel universes that are made of the non physical stuff.
These parallel universes are the 10 spiritual worlds on the Tree of life.
So, the first spiritual world is called Kether (white ball at the top of the tree).
Kether is assigned the number 1, because it created all other 9 worlds. Kether can be compared to the Big Bang.
The second spiritual world is called Chokmah (light grey ball). Chokmah is assigned the number 2.
Magick is not done with the energies of Kether and Chokmah. Magick is not done very often with the spirits of Malkuth.
Malkuth is the black ball at the base of the tree and corresponds to Earth. Malkuth also has a non physical counterpart that is inhabited with spirits.
But for now, we will only talk about a few magickal books: Goetia, the Grimorium Verum, The Greater key of Solomon, the Heptameron and the Arbatel.
There are no demons in Goetia that correspond to the realm of Malkuth. The pentacles of the Greater key of Solomon are divided into 7 groups.
Each group of pentacles corresponds to the 7 spheres on the Tree of Life.
Each group of demons in the Goetia also corresponds to the 7 spheres on the Tree of Life.
These 7 spheres and their ruling planets are (we take a look from the top of the tree):
Binah (the ruling planet is Saturn)
Chesed (the ruling planet is Jupiter)
Geburah (the ruling planet is Mars)
Tiphareth (the ruling planet is the Sun)
Netzach (the ruling planet is Venus)
Hod (the ruling planet is Mercury)
Yesod (the ruling planet is the Moon)
The archangels also correspond to the coloured balls on the Tree of Life. There are two types of archangels:
planetary archangels (spirits that rule the non physical counterparts of the planets)
archangels that rule a particular spiritual world on the Tree of Life
All this is confusing, right? In short, there are 2 types of archangels and I like the planetary archangels. I do magick only with planetary archangels.
The Heptameron
The Heptameron is a magick book. Below you will find the seals of the planetary archangels and their descriptions.
“The sprits of Saturday sow discords and hate. They serve to eliminate your enemies.”
Source: the Heptameron
“The spirits of Thursday can help you to procure the love of the opposite sex and they help people to become happy with their lives.
They end all strife and also end battles with enemies; they can heal illness.”
Source: the Heptameron
“The spirits of Tuesday cause wars and death. They give the practitioner 2000 soldiers to battle down enemies.”
Source: the Heptameron
“The spirits of Sunday help to obtain gold and riches; they cause the practitioner to obtain favours and good things in life.
They help to dissolve the hatred of enemies and also help to become successful in life.”
Source: the Heptameron
“The spirits of Friday make people happy and incline them to luxury. They reconcile enemies through luxury.
They help in matters of love and make marriages.”
Source: the Heptameron
“The spirits of Wednesday reveal things you want to know about the past, present and future. They help to win court cases and help to resolve conflicts between people.
They teach sciences and heal people. They raise the poor and cast down the rich ones.
They eliminate obstacles in life.”
Source: the Heptameron
“The spirits of Monday can convey things from place to place. They make horses swift.
They help you to know the secrets of other people.”
Source: the Heptameron
The mark of Jehovah
This is the 4 letter mark of God. Jehovah is the name of God. I look at these 4 letters when I invoke God.
The ritual structure
Here is a very useful PDF for printing out:
Magick with archangels_ritual structure for beginners
You can use this simple ritual structure when you plan to consecrate your magickal tools, and also when doing spells with archangels.
Use the frame of this ritual for your spells. The frame consists of the following moments:
1. The creation of a circle boundary. During this step you surround yourself and your
Temple space with an imaginary flaming sphere (a large globe). You should never
cross the circle boundary, except in cases of emergency.
2. The opening of the four astral gateways in a clockwise manner and the invitation of the four guardians (archangels).
3. The invitation of the archetypes (the Gods). Use the mark of Jehovah when you invite God to your ceremony.
4. Doing a spell with the help of the above mentioned archangels.
5. Raising the energy of your circle by dancing clockwise. You can walk clockwise inside your circle (don’t move counter clockwise inside the circle).
6. Grounding your power. This can be done in several ways. After dancing you can sit on the floor. You can also place your palms on the spell ingredients to project your power into them.
7. Saying: “Thank you!” to the archangels and to Jehovah, and allowing them to leave.
8. Closing the four astral gateways in a counter clockwise manner, thanking each archangel, and giving each archangel permission to leave.
9. Disassembling the circle boundary in a counter clockwise manner and collecting the
imaginary flames from the burning sphere into the ritual knife or into the wand.
The formation of the circle
My altar is placed in the Northern part of my circle and close to the wall. When I do magick, I imagine the boundary of my circle penetrating the northern wall to encompass the altar.
Today, I do all my spells at a small table, because standing at the altar and doing magick hurts my back. I keep my magickal tools inside a small bookshelf.
The location of the altar is truly a matter of taste and comfort. You can position your altar in the East, South, West, North or in the middle of the room.
But I always start to form my protective fiery globe in the East (because the Sun goes up in the East).
You need to lay out a rope in a circle before you begin to form your ritual circle.
The rope is the boundary between the two worlds: the physical and the astral.
You will be doing your magick in the astral world, that is, inside the magickal circle.
The magickal circle should be large enough and allow you to move freely inside it.
Position yourself in the Eastern part of your circle and start walking along the rope clockwise three times when creating your circle.
Point your index finger towards the rope while creating the boundary of the circle.
If you are using your wand or your athame, do not point them down and towards the rope.
Point your wand or your athame straight before you as if your were cutting the air right in front of you with the sharp point of your ritual tool.
Visualize while you move clockwise: flames emerging from your index finger set the rope on fire.
You can also visualise that your ritual tool is setting the air on flames and the flames start to rise towards the ceiling.
The rope starts to burn and the flames rise towards the ceiling. A flaming globe is formed all around you.
It is important to visualize these effects, because the Witch does her magick in multiple
dimensions simultaneously: on the mental plane, the astral plane and on the physical plane.
As you walk clockwise round after round you should speak and visualize. During the first round you say:
“I create my circle of protection. My circle is my fortress,
My circle is a permanent and functional facility, no less!”
These words mean that you create a barrier, and allow in only certain energies while blocking other unhealthy ones.
The “unhealthy” energies might encompass spirits, ghosts and other forms of life.
Therefore, you create a barrier in the form of a flaming globe to prevent astral pests
from attaching to you.
During the second round you may say:
“I am chasing away all unhealthy forces and vermin from this place,
Now I am establishing my Lords Temple in my Witch space!”
During this particular round you have declared that you are erecting your Temple in your
ritual space and all astral vermin must leave in a hurry.
During the third round you may say out loud:
“This circle is beyond the Earth time and beyond Earth space,
In the name of Jehovah I create this Temple place!”
Now you are back in the East. The next step is the call to the Elemental forces of the East, South, West and North (while you walk clockwise).
The Elemental forces at the four cardinal
points of your circle
Our Universe is made up of four types of energies. These energies are called for Elements (Henry Cornelius Agrippa, “Three books of Occult philosophy”).
The Elements are real forces and in the Golden Dawn tradition these forces are represented by the so called Elemental weapons: dagger of Air, wand of Fire, the cup of Water, and the pentacle of Earth.
In my beginner friendly rituals there are four altar items that represent Elemental forces:
the smoke of the incense or the bowl with charcoal and herbs (Air)
the tea candle in the red candle holder (Fire)
water in the water bowl (Water)
salt in the salt bowl (Earth)
The fifth superior Element is called for the God force. In this ritual we will invoke Jehovah.
Thus the Universe consists of five Elements:
1. Element of Air
2. Element of Fire
3. Element of Water
4. Element of Earth
5. Element of the superior power (the God force)
The fifth Elemental force is known under the name God and Goddess, the Collective
unconscious, the Universal electromagnetic field or whatever you like to call this force.
Because the human brain is a limited organ and cannot understand such abstract ideas as the Elemental forces, we need to use symbols.
Thus, we use the seals of the archangels when we invite these Elemental forces to guard the 4 points of our magickal circle.
Open the four astral gateways
and summon the Elemental forces
Point your ritual knife or the wand towards the East. Do not touch the boundaries of the circle. Summon the Element of Air.
Visualize the seal of Raphael hanging in the air in the eastern part of your circle and just
behind the flaming walls of your fiery globe.
Pull apart two imaginary heavy bright yellow curtains. Open a visualized door with an imaginary rusty key and see archangel Raphael in front of you.
Draw a large invoking pentagram right in front of you. Allow the pentagram to glow in blue flames (or just natural fire flames).
In this way, you open an astral portal and summon the Elemental force of Air.
Say aloud:
“I Queen (Lord) here, call upon archangel Raphael! Elemental force of the East, please come and witness your Queen (Lord) in all her (his) beauty and power.
I rule here and it is my Kingdom! My word is Law!”
Move clockwise towards the southern point of your circle. Point with your index finger (with the Athame or wand) to the South and visualize the seal of archangel Michael hanging in the air right in front of you.
Pull apart two imaginary heavy bright red curtains. Open an imaginary door with an
imaginary rusty key and look at the seal of Michael.
Imagine this archangel standing right before you in human shape.
Draw a large invoking pentagram right in front of you. Allow the pentagram to glow in blue flames (or just in natural fire coloured flames).
You have just opened the southern astral portal and summoned the Elemental force of Fire.
Say aloud:
“I, the Queen (Lord) here, call upon the archangel Michael! Elemental force of the South, please come and witness your Queen (Lord) in all her (his) beauty and power.
I rule here and it is my Kingdom! My word is law!”
Move clockwise towards the western point of your circle. Point with your Athame or the wand to the West and visualize the seal of archangel Gabriel hanging in the air right in front of you.
Pull apart two heavy dark blue curtains. Open an imaginary door with an imaginary rusty key and see the seal of Gabriel floating in the air.
Draw a large invoking pentagram right in front of you. Allow the pentagram to glow in blue flames (or just in natural flames).
You have just opened the western astral portal and summoned the Elemental force of Water.
“I, the Queen (Lord) here, call upon the archangel Gabriel! Elemental force of the West, please come and witness your Queen (Lord) in all her (his) beauty and power.
I rule here and it is my Kingdom. My word is Law!”
Move clockwise towards the northern point of your circle. Point with your Athame or the wand to the North and visualize the seal of archangel Khamael hanging in the air right in front of you.
Note that in the Lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram, archangel Auriel is called from the North.
But there is no seal of Auriel in the Heptameron and for this reason I have substituted Auriel with Khamael even in my Lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram.
I am very visual in nature and I want to see symbols during a ritual.
Ask yourself: “Will the archangel come to me if I just call out loud to him?” I don’t think that the archangel will come.
But the archangel will come for sure if we observe his seal during a ritual.
Pull apart two heavy bright green curtains. Open an imaginary door with an imaginary rusty key and see the seal of archangel Khamael floating in the air outside the circle.
Draw a large invoking pentagram right in front of you. Allow the pentagram to glow in blue flames (or just natural fire flames).
You have just opened the northern portal and summoned the Elemental force of Earth.
“I, the Queen (Lord) here, call upon archangel Khamael! Elemental force of the North, please come and witness your Queen (Lord) in all her (his) beauty and power.
I rule here and it is my Kingdom! My word is Law!”
Summon Jehovah
This is the mark of Jehovah (above). Look at the mark during 1 minute and say:
“I invite God himself to attend my ceremony.”
Stand in front of the altar in the middle of the circle. Hold your ritual knife or your wand high up in the air while you point your ritual tool towards the ceiling.
Imagine that your tool is glowing with heat and say:
“I call upon Jehovah, hear me! Witness me in all my splendour and beauty! My words are Law!”
Visualize the pillar of power you receive from the Cosmos entering your ritual knife and
transfer this force into the paper mark of God.
At this moment, light the two white candles and the small tea candle in the red candle holder.
Notice that you should always move clockwise when you are inside your ritual circle.
What is the purpose of your ritual? Now is the time for you to explain for the summoned
forces why you are doing your ritual.
You can do:
a money spell with archangel Michael
a courage spell with archangel Khamael
a dream spell with archangel Gabriel (to know the secrets of others)
a healing spell with archangel Raphael
or any other spell with any other archangel.
Raise the power in your circle
Your ritual is almost over: you have done a spell. Now is the time to raise a cone of Witch power. The energy cone must be raised during each ritual.
I dance to music while moving in a clockwise manner inside my circle. It is enough to dance during ten minutes.
When you have danced ten minutes, form an imaginary flaming ball between the palms of your hands and transfer the flames to your spell ingredients.
You can also imagine that the cone of power swirls and becomes compressed. The energy enters your ritual tool.
Point your ritual tool at the spell ingredients and allow the flames enter the spell ingredients.
Next, sit down on the floor and let the excess energy leave your body and flow into the earth.
Visualize this energy current as electricity which is being grounded by you.
End the ritual
and close the four astral gateways
Thank Jehovah and the main archangel of the spell for their cooperation.
Say: “If you want, you may stay with me, but if you have to go, then feel free to depart to your abodes.”
Now, it is time to end the ritual. Position yourself facing north. Point your ritual tool to the North and thank the Element of Earth. Visualize the seal of archangel Khamael fade away.
Say: “Thank you, archangel Khamael. My rite is over now and I give you the
license to depart. Go now in peace. I see you again soon.”
Draw a large Spirit banishing pentagram in blue flames right in front of you.
Close the imaginary door, lock it with the rusty key and pull together the heavy green curtains.
Move to the western part of your circle. Point your index finger to the West and thank the Element of Water. Visualize the seal of archangel Gabriel fading away.
Say: “Thank you, archangel Gabriel. My rite is over now and I give you the license to depart. Go now in peace. I see you again soon.”
Draw a large Spirit banishing pentagram in blue flames right in front of you. Close the imaginary door, lock it with the rusty key and pull together the heavy blue curtains.
Move to the southern part of your circle. Point your index finger to the South and thank the Element of Fire. Visualize the seal of archangel Michael fading away.
Say: “Thank you, archangel Michael. My rite is over now and I give you the license to depart. Go now in peace. I see you again soon.”
Draw a large Spirit banishing pentagram in blue flames right in front of you.
Close the imaginary door, lock it with the rusty key and pull together the heavy red curtains.
Move to the eastern part of your circle. Point your index finger to the East and thank the
Element of Air. Visualize the seal of archangel Raphael fading away.
Say: “Thank you, archangel Raphael. My rite is over now and I give you the license to depart. Go now in peace. I see you again soon.”
Draw a large Spirit banishing pentagram in blue flames right in front of you.
Close the imaginary door, lock it with the rusty key and pull together the heavy yellow
Collect the circle flames
into your ritual tools
Position yourself in the eastern part of your circle. Begin moving in a counter clockwise
manner one single round.
You will come back to the eastern part of your circle. The flames that formed your fiery globe of protection all around you must be collected, because they are real on the astral plane.
Use your imagination and collect the flames into your ritual knife or into the wand to ritually charge them with power.
While you move From East to East say: “This circle is open, but it keeps my spell unbroken. Words were spoken, but the secrecy of my spell is unbroken.”
Your ritual is finished. Now you can rest a little bit and eat something.
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